As a result of an exceptionally warm summer and lack of significant rainfall in many areas since May, there is a high risk of flooding across the UK in the months to come.
The government has heeded the warning and Environmental Minister Thérèse Coffey announced in July, a £40-million-pound investment to unlock flood defence schemes. This investment will be spent on creating stronger flood defences and supporting economic growth and regeneration in areas that have suffered heavily from flooding in recent years.
Minister Coffey states:
“The defences will enhance the environment and bolster economic growth as part of our commitment to better protect 300,000 homes from flooding by 2021".
J & J Carter applaud this announcement along with the government’s investment to reduce flood risk. Due to its unpredictability, the British weather can bring a deluge of rainfall at any period of the year. With the increasingly scorched earth, surface water flooding is a real threat as it occurs when heavy downpours are unable to be soaked up by the earth or overcome surrounding drainage or sewage systems.
We provide a robust and durable flood barrier called Eco-Dam. This reusable, water-filled flood barrier is fabricated from high tensile PVC and is manufactured using computer controlled high-frequency welding techniques. This ensures the structural strength of the flood defence system, as well making it both waterproof with gas-tight seams.
There are many benefits to the Eco-Dam that make it an effective and efficient alternative to more traditional methods of flood defence systems such as sandbags. The comparison is of 3 Eco-Dams at 6m x 0.6m and 1440 sandbags to make a wall of 18m long and 0.6 high according to the Environment Agency guidelines.
If you have questions about our Eco-Dam or are a council looking to implement Eco-Dam into your community, please contact us by phone 01264 721630 or by email [email protected] for information about our innovative flood defence system today.