J & J Carter was appointed to manufacture and install the fabric for the 43 metre tall tri-sail structure that is the landmark to the entrance of the city.
As a tensioned membrane, it was a very complex project with more than sixty cables whose diameters range between 10mm and 28mm, providing the structure’s ability to remain in tension. Due to its highly complex design, there are Load Cells constantly measuring the forces in the cables, and being transmitted to a central computer for processing. All the materials used were chosen for their ability to withstand the local environmental conditions, with high wind pressures from the English Channel, sea air and very exposed location by the South’s busiest sea-port as well as the motorway system.
“The tri-sail structure was a very complex project but the result is outstanding. It is now an impressive landmark that is unique, distinctive and memorable, and is withstanding the environmental conditions well.”
J & J Carter