J & J Carter’s indoor sports domes are an appealing, cost-effective solution for indoor sports complexes, training centres and athletic buildings. Utilising years of experience, our team provides exceptional clear span and energy-efficient structures that are durable, providing a great return on investment.
J & J Carter's sports domes can be temporary or permanent, and are either air or frame/fabric supported:
These continuous, soft roof membrane structures are supported by air pressure - unnoticeable to the occupants - within a totally enclosed space. Inflatable sports halls are ideal for recreational applications such as tennis courts, swimming pools and hockey arenas, as well as industrial applications such as warehouses and bulk storage reservoirs. They can be fabricated to accommodate virtually any shape and floor plan. Among its other advantages, the air structure is fully relocatable.
We use steel to make our fabric sports structures as it offers even greater spans than aluminium. By using steel framing, it is possible for us to design the building to incorporate extra loads such as internal gantry cranes, HVAC systems and lighting. All buildings are clad with a PVC Coated Polyester, which has special top lacquer that helps to inhibit atmospheric dirt, thus giving a long-lasting investment. Typical applications include sports domes, football practice grounds, and even warehouses and production halls. Our building systems offer a quick construction method, longevity, low cost, low maintenance, aesthetic design and good playing conditions.
Take a look at some of the sports dome projects we have done below. If you have any questions or would like to request a quote, please contact us here.